Supplier of microencapsulated raw materials for juniper-based supplements

Juniper, scientifically known as Juniperus communis, is a plant with numerous therapeutic properties, valued in both traditional and folk medicine. Its berries are used to relieve digestive disorders, thanks to their carminative and stomachic qualities, as well as for their diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, mainly due to the presence of terpinene-4-ol in the essential oil.

Despite its benefits, the therapeutic use of juniper has always had limitations, such as the difficulty of masking the strong taste of the berries and the need for controlled release of active ingredients.

IPS, however, offers an innovative solution: microcapsules containing juniper oil. These microcapsules are obtained through a coacervation process that preserves the integrity of the essential oil while allowing for a more diversified formulation. The size of the microcapsules ranges from 100 to 600 µm, with an oil content of up to 85%, ensuring a high concentration of active ingredients.

The microencapsulation process offers numerous advantages over traditional methods: it transforms liquids into easily manageable powders, masks unpleasant tastes and odors, and significantly improves the stability of the final product. Furthermore, the technology used by IPS ensures a controlled and prolonged release of active ingredients in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment.

IPS stands out as a leading supplier of microencapsulated raw materials. The use of juniper microcapsules for supplement production ensures not only therapeutic efficacy but also an enhanced consumer experience. With a constant commitment to research and the development of cutting-edge solutions, IPS is the ideal partner for those looking to overcome the limitations of traditional formulations and offer high-quality, scientifically validated products.

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Technical information: composition, characterization, characteristics

Below are the technical data sheets of some of the oils and extracts that we have microencapsulated for our customers:

Prodotto FlowActives®

Nome scientifico


Scheda Tecnica

Microcapsules containing Linseed oil

Linum usitatissimum

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Saw Palmetto extract

Serenoa Repens

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Tea Tree oil

Melaleuca alternifolia

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Ginger essential oil

Zingiber officinale Roscoe

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Caraway oil

Carum Carvi

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Peppermint essential oil

Mentoloe Mentone

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Vitamin D3 in oil


100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Cloves essential oil

Eugenia caryophyllata

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Fish Oil

Omega 3

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Dill essential oil

Anethum graveolense

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Sweet Fennel essential oil

Foeniculum vulgare var dulce

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Star Anise essential oil

llicium Verum

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Juniper essential oil

Juniperus Communis

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Rosemary essential oil

Rosmarinus officinalis L.

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Borage seed oil

Borrago Officinalis

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Lavender essential oil

Lavandula officinalis

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Oregano essential oil

Origanum Vulgare

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Hemp Seed oil

Canapa Sativa L.

100 / 600 µm

Microcapsules containing Coenzyme Q10 in oil

Coenzyme Q10

100 / 600 µm